It's quite common to be looking for that one thing that's going to be the "game-changer" in a health and fitness routine that will help you hit your goals faster than anythign else. Is it a certain exercise? A green weight loss smoothie? A magic elixir you take before bed? No. We might be sounding like a bit of a broken record here, but if there was ONE thing as trainers we would suggest to almost every client to help them crush their health and fitness goals, it would be getting 10,000 steps a day.
There’s a lot of talk around this whole “10,000 steps a day” thing - especially since it was our August Challenge… but WHY? I had a client ask me today, “So is that the average number of steps most people get in a day?”
I giggled and I said, “unfortunately, no, BUT it SHOULD be!”. 10,000 steps (equating to about 8 km) a day can seem like an overwhelming task at times, however, with a few sustainable habits and a couple weeks of consistency, you’ll feel transformed. So why is 10,000 the magic number? Well, there’s a few reasons:
Cardiovascular Health & Lymphatic System Support:
The cardiovascular and lymphatic systems play an integral role in our health; getting 10,000 steps in a day significantly decreases the risk of heart disease by improving circulation, lowering blood pressure, and enhancing overall heart function.
Closely linked to the cardiovascular system is the lymphatic system, which is responsible for balancing and draining fluids in the body, helping to fight disease and infection. Without proper function of the lymphatic system, fluid builds in your tissues causing swelling (also known as lymphedema), and your body becomes at risk for blockages and cancer. So how does 10,000 steps a day help?
To function properly, the lymphatic system relies heavily on the venous muscle pump. The venous pump is crucial for preventing blood from pooling in the lower extremities, which can lead to conditions like varicose veins or deep vein thrombosis (DVT). By effectively moving blood against gravity, the venous pump reduces venous pressure and supports overall circulatory health. The venous muscle pump begins in the foot muscles as they contract during activities like running or walking; when these muscles contract they compress the veins, pushing blood upward towards the heart. The calf muscles, particularly the gastrocnemius and soleus, are often referred to as the "second heart" due to their pivotal role in venous return. When these muscles contract as we walk or run, they compress the deep veins of the leg, propelling blood upward. Valves within the veins prevent backflow, ensuring that blood moves toward the heart. This mechanism is crucial for venous return and lymphatic drainage, especially in the context of managing chronic conditions like edema and lymphedema.
Musculoskeletal Health:
Walking strengthens muscles and bones, particularly in the lower body. This activity helps maintain joint flexibility and health, strengthen the muscles, increase bone density, and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. By engaging in regular walking, you also improve balance and coordination, which is crucial for functional fitness in everyday life.
Achieving Fitness and/or Weight Loss Goals
Especially when combined with a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet, achieving a minimum of 10,000 steps a day plays a critical role in helping you to achieve your fitness and/or weight loss goals for a variety of reasons. The first is that by simply moving your body more, you increase your caloric expenditure, providing the opportunity for your body to burn fat for energy. Walking at a moderate pace allows you to engage a zone-2 heart rate, which is optimal for burning fat for energy. Additionally, regular physical activity such as walking, can increase your basal metabolic rate (how many calories your body burns at rest) due to the muscular activity and the recovery process after walking.
Mental Health Benefits
Although we don’t like to admit it, fall is just around the corner, which means we aren’t very far away from a few rainy and dark days; with less sunshine contributing to our vitamin-D levels, it can be quite common for our mood and energy levels to dip a little bit. Making a point of going for a walk every day is a FANTASTIC way to combat this! Walking can significantly lower your cortisol levels, help manage stress, stimulate the release of endorphins as well as serotonin and dopamine, enhance blood flow to the brain and increase cognitive function, and promote better sleep.
We know it can seem daunting at times; 10,000 sounds like a BIG number! But just going for a 15 minute walk once or twice a day can get you SO much closer to that number than you think! Little things, such as getting up from your desk and walking a lap around the office every hour, or going for a stroll during your lunch break can make a significant dent in your daily step count! You’ve got this!